best tips to write dissertation

How to Write a Dissertation? Best Tips Right from the Professor’s Desk

Students go through a lot of anxiety and pressure as soon as their professor assigns them a dissertation writing task. Despite trying again and again students usually fail to impress their teacher. As the reason lies in the fact that they don’t have the basic understanding of drafting the academic paper structurally correct.

As it’s obvious that a dissertation isn’t a task that can be efficiently completed overnight. In fact, it requires a student to work throughout the tenure of the academic year. However, there is no need to worry as we have your back. In this blog you will attain all the information that is needed to craft a worth reading dissertation.

Structure of a Dissertation

It is a step-by-step approach that starts from designing a dissertation proposal that is actually the overview of the goals and objectives of your document. The purpose behind this is to make sure that the research proposal will contribute largely to the related study. Moreover, a student needs to demonstrate that the research process was feasible and under budget. A dissertation is usually lengthy dues to two reasons that are the word count and the number of sub-sections. An average dissertation varies from 25,000 to 30,000 words comprising of the following elements. Stick to the end to know what the elements are and how can you write them.

Title page

The title page is the first page of the dissertation and it puts the first impression on the professor. Therefore, students must ensure that the title page is up to the mark. It must contain all the vital information related to the student and the course. For instance, the name of the university, student’s name, course name, date of submission, etc.

  • You must leave one-inch margin at the top and the same goes for the right and bottom
  • On the left side leave a one-and-half inch margin
  • The topic of the dissertation must be in capital letters and center-aligned
  • Write your name after 4c line space
  • Mention the reason of submitting the document after 4 line space
  • Write the name of the department with a date after 4 line space


It is a short written piece that elaborates the main purpose behind drafting the dissertation and also the purpose and objectives. The students who find difficulty in writing it are usually the ones that fail to incorporate all the vital information into one. All you need to write is as follows:

  • The length of the abstract must not be more than 5% of the total length of the dissertation
  • Use brief language
  • Summarize all the strong arguments into one

Table of contents

This section comes after the abstract and the main purpose of designing this page is to increase the readability. The content page comprises of all the headings with sub-headings that are written opposite to the relevant page numbers. It helps the professor to move to the desired section he wishes to read.

  • From the left side of the page leave a 1,5-inch space
  • Give 1-inch space to the right, top, and bottom of the page
  • You must use a font size of 12 points
  • The tile “TABLE OF CONTENT” must be in capital letters


An introduction acts as the most important part of the dissertation. The reason behind this is the fact that when the introductory part is appealing, then only the professor will take interest in reading it further. However, one thing that must be kept in mind is that it must be intrigue yet informative.

  • Start with factual information or quote
  • Give background information on the dissertation topic
  • Emphasize on the motive of the study
  • Focus on the relevant words
  • Use terminologies coherent with the topic
  • Don’t forget to define the scope and the importance of the research question

Literature review / Theoretical framework

The purpose of the literature review is to focus on the previous work that been done earlier on the dissertation topic. It is often regarded as the secondary source and doesn’t provide information about the original piece of information. This section gives insight to the professor about the student’s research skills.

  • The word count of this must not be 25% of the total dissertation length
  • It must revolve around the key themes related to the research question
  • You must challenge the assumptions in the literature and form arguments


In this section the student has to specify the type of research method and follow it with authentic information. Usually there are two types of research methods that are qualitative and quantitative method. The choice of the method depends upon the academic discipline and topic of the dissertation writing task.

  • The content must justify the choice of methodology
  • Don’t hesitate to describe the research process that is used in the academic paper
  • You may also include the limitations of your chosen research method


After you are done with gathering of the information of the dissertation topic, now you have to deal with the data analysis. So assemble the relevant information under different chapters and maintain the continuous flow of information. Ensure that all the arguments are interrelated with one another.

  • Word count must not exceed 40% of the total number of words
  • Organize the findings with headings and sub-headings
  • Format the paper according to the guidelines



It might surprise you but it’s easier to start writing the task then drafting the conclusion of the dissertation. As most of the students finds it difficult to summarize all the crucial arguments at the end.

  • It must reflect the entire dissertation
  • Share recommendations where needed
  • Pinpoint the practical application of the research


The last part of the dissertation is to acknowledge the researchers that have been referred while performing the dissertation writing task. So you must design a separate section for this and it must contain all the information consulted in the academic paper.

  • Follow the prescribed citation style
  • Proofread
  • The writing must be coherent with the flow

Wrapping it up till now you must have understood all the important aspects that are required for writing a perfect dissertation. It can be done without being intimidating, just by focusing on all the tips mentioned above. So next time you sign up for a dissertation writing do it without having that mini heart attack.

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